Good Stuff

Some of my favorite resources are accessible for free!

Mental health support should absolutely be accessible, so please help yourself to this lil buffet of content made by creators / experts that I admire. And one little gift at the bottom from me.


Janet Lansbury’s respectful parenting podcast is a great listen to either binge through, select specific episodes based on your current experiences, or just listen as they release new episodes. Any grown up with kids in their lives - I recommend this to you, parents, mamas, aunties, caregivers, educators, grands, great aunts & uncles, whatever your role in children’s live may be!

Live Awake 
I love this podcast & I use it often even though I don’t think they’re still publishing new episodes right now. It’s a very grounding & beautiful set of meditations that I recommend playing when you’ve got some dedicated minutes for mindfulness. I often play one at the end of a yoga practice while I’m in savasana. It’s like a little treat for my brain.


Dr. Jazmine McCoy is a clinical psychologist, published author, and mother to two cheeky young children, she gets it. She’s spent YEARS researching and filtering through the noise online, so you don’t have to.

Morgan is an autistic writer and artist, creating beautifully soothing pieces with comforting words. She’s especially healing to follow if you’re experiencing grief or looking for some hope.

Gentle parenting expert. Gentle parenting also known as peaceful / positive / respectful / conscious / non punitive / non violent parenting keeps relationships and connection at the core.

and one freebie from me :


Meet the Team (lol)